Privacy Policy

Effective Date: 27 Jan 2020
1. About this policy

1.1. This is the Privacy Policy for Digital Treasures Center Pte. Ltd. (a company incorporated in Singapore, and operating at 139 Cecil Street, #08-01 Singapore 069539) any fund or trust managed by us or any of our related corporations or affiliates (“Related Parties”)(Digital Treasures Center Pte. Ltd. and its Related Parties shall be collectively, “DTC”). In this Privacy Policy, “we”, “us” or “our” refers to DTC. Where this Privacy Policy is in common use by separate organisations within DTC, each organisation is responsible to you only to the extent of their own collection and use of your personal data, and their own actions. 

1.2. This Privacy Policy describes how we may collect, use, disclose and process your personal

data when you:

1.2.1. access or use our websites and applications (including mobile and web-based 
applications) (collectively, “Applications”), and services, and/or

1.2.2. provide us with your personal data.

1.3. By providing us with personal data, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy and you consent to our collection, use, disclosure and processing of personal data on these terms. DO NOT provide any personal data to us if you do not accept this Privacy Policy.

1.4. This Privacy Policy supplements but does not supersede or replace any other consents you may have provided to us, or any other agreements or arrangements that you may have with us, in respect of your personal data.

1.5. Our Applications may contain links to other websites that are not owned or maintained by us. These links are provided only for your convenience. This Privacy Policy only applies to our Applications. When visiting these third party websites, their privacy policies apply.

1.6. If you have any feedback or issues in relation to your personal data, or about this Privacy Policy, 
or wish to make a complaint to us, you may contact our Data Protection Officer at :

Email :

When you contact us, we may require that you submit certain forms or provide certain information, including verification of your identity, before we are able to respond.

2. Amendments To This Privacy Policy

2.1. We may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time without notice to you, in compliance with applicable laws or as we update our data usage and handling processes. This updated policy will supersede earlier versions and will apply to personal data provided to us previously.

3. What Personal Data We Collect

3.1. What is personal data. “Personal data” is data that can be used to identify a natural person. Examples of personal data include name, address, date of birth, contact details, identification numbers and any other information of a personal nature.

3.2. Voluntary provision of personal data. We collect personal data that you voluntarily provide to us. What personal data we collect depends on the purposes for which the personal data is collected and what you have chosen to provide. You can choose not to provide us with personal data. You also have the right to withdraw your consent for us to continue collecting, using, disclosing and processing your personal data, by contacting us in accordance with paragraph 1.6. However, if you do so, it may not be possible for us to fulfil the purposes for which we require the personal data, including processing your transactions or providing you with the products and services that you require or setting any account on DTC platform and services.

3.3. Providing personal data belonging to others. In certain circumstances, you may also provide us with personal data of persons other than yourself. If you do so, you warrant that you have informed him/her of the purposes for which we are collecting his/her personal data and that he/she has consented to your disclosure of his/her personal data to us for those purposes and accepts this Privacy Policy. You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from and against any and all claims by such individuals relating to our collection, use and disclosure of such personal data in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy.

3.4. Accuracy and completeness of personal data. You are responsible for ensuring that all personal data that you provide to us is true, accurate and complete. You are responsible for informing us of any changes to your personal data.

3.5. Minors. Our Applications and services are not intended for minors and we do not knowingly collect personal data from any person under the age of 18. If you are a parent or guardian of a minor and you have reason to believe your child or ward has provided us with their personal data without your prior consent, please contact us to request for erasure of their personal data.